"A battle is said to be raging around Richmond.* I am at the Prestons'. ...
J.C. went off suddenly to Richmond, on business of the military department. It is always his luck to arrive in the nick of time and be present at a great battle....
Telegraph says Lee** and Davis both on the field. Enemy being repulsed.
Telegraph operator: 'Madam, our men are fighting.'
'Of course they are—what else is there for them to do now but fight?'
'But, Madam, the news is encouraging.'
Each army burying its dead. That looks like a drawn battle."
*The battle of Seven Pines (Fair Oaks), was fought just five miles from Richmond on May 31 and June 1.
**On June 1, 1862, Robert E. Lee assumed field command of the Army of Northern Virginia for the first time.
Mary Boykin Chesnut is one of the most important voices of the American Civil War with her unique perspective from inside Confederate halls of power. Her husband James Chesnut, Jr, served in the South Carolina legislature, and in 1858 was elected to the U.S. Senate. He resigned from office after Lincoln's 1860 win, then returned south to help draft the ordinance of secession and attend the First Confederate Congress. He was a close aide to Jefferson Davis for much of the war as history unfolded.